The Tabernacle mini-model






A model of the tabernacle, courtyard and furnishings to print out, cut out and assemble. PDF version (292 KB)

Please note: the model works best if printed directly onto light card or printed onto paper and then glued onto card. The template is designed for A4 sheets. But if it’s too fiddly and difficult at this scale, by all means, enlarge the sheets to A3. I haven’t included any instructions with the template, but if you get stuck in the assembly process, please let me know:

4 thoughts on “The Tabernacle mini-model

  1. Pingback: El modelo a escala del tabernáculo | VISUAL UNIT

  2. Hi, Mark, I am getting ready to study the exodus with my Bible class, and plan to have each student, ages 8-10, assemble their own Tabernacle. Thank you so much for this wonderful teaching tool! Being able to use three senses will help them understand and remember what God planned for Israel so much better.

    My sincere thanks, Letha Meier

    • My pleasure Letha, though please note the warning. The model is pretty fiddly to construct and the students may need some grown-up help. But if you do manage to make a bunch of little Tabernacles, please snap me a photo. I’d love to see the finished products.

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