
All the material on this site is provided free of charge. If, however, you have benefited from these resources and would like to cheerfully support this ministry, please feel free to make a secure donation via PayPal. Seriously, no donation is too small.

86 thoughts on “Support

  1. I really like this website. I’ve often struggled to find useful biblical infographics and charts and I was delighted to stumble upon this site.
    You’ve inspired me to put together some of my own.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Mark — I just stumbled across this (looking for early church diagrams). This is a brilliant resource! I was wondering if you could get an RSS feed set up for this blog so I could follow it automatically (or even email subscriptions). Otherwise I fear I’ll forget to check back :).


    • Thanks for the encouragement! Unfortunately, this is very much a side project for me. So there are no plans for any other form of production at this stage.

  3. These are great, I would love to use them/modify them for my 7th grade Bible curriculum I teach! The colors are great, the graphics really pop!

  4. Mark, I echo all the comments above about just how fantastic these resources are. Thank you so much for making them available.

    I have one question about what “personal” use is cos I want to honour whatever your intention is in making them available: using them to project for sermon illustration, I take that would be OK? Can they be photocopied and used as sermon handouts too?

    Thanks again – whatever your answer!!!! And please keep them coming! 🙂

    • Thanks, Neil. By ‘personal’ I guess I really mean for your own personal use in Bible reading etc. But I’m more than happy for people to use them in their various ministries too. It’s just nice for me to know how people are actually using them, e.g. as handouts in church or illustrations in a book.

  5. I really love this stuff! I teach Christian studies at a private School in Sydney, and I’m a Visual Learner myself so finding this is like a gold mine. I even had a whole class of yr 11s look up the reliability of the new testament on their ipads and save the page for future reference. Even amongst teenagers, Atheism seems a pretty cool alternative to the traditional style christianity so having that information to present so clearly and profoundly makes the discussion a bit easier.
    Thank you, and keep up the GOOD work.

    ps: any chance someone could have a go at graphically representing the whole Science v Religion / How v Why / Fact v Faith discussion?

    • Thanks James. Glad the diagrams could be of help to your class!

      Yes – a diagram looking at the intersection of fact and faith would be really interesting, but potentially complex to develop. If you have any ideas about where to start, I’d love to know.

  6. Mark,

    Great great work with the Infographics.

    My name is Vinicius and I’m from Brazil. I have a blog where we give free Christ-centered resources for the Portuguese speaking world. I would love to translate some of your materials.

    Could this be arranged? Please e-mail me.

    Glory be to our Christ,

  7. Hey Mark! I really enjoy your work, and I wanted to ask if I could use some of your work in an “Overview of the Bible” class that I am beginning this coming Sunday, Feb. 12. The class will include under ten people and myself, but I wanted to see if we could use some of your images as handouts?

    Thank you,

    Kyle Reed

  8. Greetings Mark. You have done a lot of great work with many of these infographics. I am just beginning to start a bible study in Micah for our small church and that Micah map is exactly what I was envisioning, especially regarding the towns & their meanings in chapter 1. Is it okay if I make copies for my class?

    I also really like that Galations 3 chart – I was just reviewing that passage last week!

    Yours In Christ – Chris

  9. Hi Mark,
    I love the stuff on this site. I’m teaching an Introduction to the Bible course at my church in the summer. Would it be possible to use some of your infographics as handouts?

  10. Hi Mark,
    Your charts are amazingly helpful for explaining things to visual learners! Can I please have permission to use the reliability chart for a youth group workshop?

  11. Mark,
    Father Jeffrey Mackey of Melrose here. Your chart on manuscript evidence is outstanding. I have been asked to teach a six week class at a LARGE Episcopal Church in the formation of the Canon and the Authority and Reliability of the Bible. I would like to include your chart in a booklet of about 56 pages I am putting together and wonder if you would give permission since you own the copyright. I will give due rights to your work and can pay something if it is not too expensive. I am doing this course for no pay. I would be most honored to use this.

  12. Thanks ever so much for your work Mark. I am a secondary teacher in England and my A-Level students will really benefit from this stuff. I was wondering if you had any plans to do do diagrams of church history from 500AD. I was trying to draw from the Great Schism yesterday and my attempts were feeble at best!

  13. Incredible work. As a pastor and doctoral student in the field of education I’m come across a lot of info-graphs and attempts to summarize Scripture in an aesthetically pleasing and memorable way. These are by far some of the best I’ve ever seen. Well done sir!

  14. Hi Mark,
    i have been using your visual units for the last year or so, they are very helpful for myself and friends who are of the visual learning variety.
    I have been searching around for something on 1 John, a visual aid or sorts. would you have any that you may have done in the past?
    Thanks so much for all your work, very very helpful!

    • Thanks Nick. Unfortunately, I don’t currently have anything on 1 John. But I suspect if I did it would either be very simple or very complex! If you find anything good in your searching, please let me know.

  15. Excellent website Mark. I found the adapted Goldsworthy Bible timeline extremely helpful, and recommended to a few of my students for their personal bible study. Well done brother!

  16. hi mark, i found your chart on the NT manuscript evidence really reader friendly and would like to include it in a tract that i am looking to design, would you mind if i use it? blessings, anour taylor

  17. Hello Mark,
    All of your work is fantastic! I teach a Sunday School class in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. We are studying Hebrews. I would love to use your graphic in my presentation.

  18. Your take on the theories of the atonement… I would love to see what you come up with.

    Penal Substitution
    Many Early church father like Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Justin Martyr; God, instead of us, gave himself in the person of his Son to death, punishment and the curse due to fallen humanity as the penalty for sin. He took the
    punishment that should have been ours and appeased the Father and effected a reconciliation between God and humanity.

    Origen; Christ offered himself as a ransom to satisfy the wrath of God (Devil). Found in Mark 10.

    Christus Victor
    Gustaf; Passion story of God triumphing over the powers and liberating humanity from the bondage of sin, Satin, and death. Found in Hebrews 2.

    Moral Influence
    Peter Abelard; The death of Christ was not necessary a means of removing sin. His death influences the hearts and minds and moves them to repentance and trust in Christ.

    Satisfaction Theory
    Anselm; Christ’s death is substitutionary in this sense: he pays the honor instead of us it’s not penal; his death pays our honor not our penalty.

  19. Your visuals are among the best I have found. I would love to use you map of ancient Israel and Judah with my class. I was wonder if I could get permission to make about 25 copies. Woodbine Church of God, Woodbine, Georgia USA

  20. These are really excellent diagrams – very useful. I’d like to use your Abraham Family Tree diagram to aid in teaching on a Sunday morning – would you be willing to give permission for this? It would be presented and available in a PDF only to members. Thanks. Michael, Coventry UK

  21. Hi Mark,
    I’m printing up a Bible study on Jonah for a women’s study at church and would like to include the Jonah map for them. Just checking if that is ok to do, there is no profit involved, thanks so much.

  22. Hi Mark, i really like what you’ve put together here. I’d like to use the Bible Timeline and the Kings of Judah & Israel as powerpoint slides for a lecture series on Hosea. Is that okay?

  23. Thanks for these diagrams Mark. I teach in an fledgling theological college in South Sudan. Our students study in English (at least their second, third or fourth language) and their educational background is not the greatest (that’s what a civil war will do). These diagrams will be a very helpful teaching resource / tool.

  24. I am a french teacher, teaching history in English one houre a week.
    Do you aloud me to print your superb document “english_reformation 2” and give it to my pupils?

  25. Hi Mark
    I would like to use your Bible Timeline in a handout for a talk I am giving to a group of women on an overview of Judges. Would this be all right? I really appreciate what you do. Chris

  26. Mark, Thank you for the time that you have put into creating these very helpful resources. Could I use some of your handouts for a couple classes I teach at my church? I am especially interested in the material that introduces new people in our church to the basics of the Bible. ~ Rob

  27. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for putting the time to create some great resources. I praise God for the wonderful creativity and understanding that he has given you. As a ‘side-project’ it’s fantastic. Our church is starting a series on Revelation soon and I was wondering if I could print off some of your graphics for our Bible Study leaders. Stephen

  28. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the wonderful and creative manner that you “summarize” many of the Books, concepts, etc of the Bible. Please keep up the good work!!

    Johan from South Africa

  29. Hi Mark,

    Praise God for your resources as they are very difficult to find. They are a great benefit to the kingdom!

    I stumbled upon your site when I was looking for bible timelines to use for the bible study I am leading (Ezekiel). However, much of it I would love to use to help teach my kids also. Can I get your permission to print them out as handouts?

    Warmest regards,

  30. Hi Mark,
    I stumbled across your diagrams when searching for Revelation images. May I use these as aids in my 9th grade Sunday School class? I found so many more diagrams besides the Revelation ones that I’d like to use for future topics too! My high school daughter asked me if I was okay as I loudly & excitedly “oohed” & “ahhed” scrolling through your website! Thank you for using your gifts and talents for God’s kingdom! I am truly blessed to have found your website & will continue following you on facebook! Blessings!

  31. Hi Mark,
    I came across your site when I was looking for an image of the Ark of the covenant for a Sunday school lesson on Joshua and Jericho. Your resources are amazing! My 4-to-7-year-olds will march around the “walls of Jericho” and I was wondering if I could modify your model of the Ark to be more suitable for little hands by attaching wooden chopsticks for poles.

    Thank you from South Korea!

    • Absolutely, Yuna. Feel free to modify the model in any way you see fit. I’d love to see a photo of the finished product, if you’re happy to share it!

  32. Mark,
    I used your diagram of Creation in a PowerPoint for a small group of people and they were amazed by the simple but effective illustration on Creation – it is so easy for them to grasp the “structure” of Creation.

    Thanks for the beautiful but practical diagrams!

    Johan van South Africa

  33. Mark,
    This is excellent graphic communication of things hard to grasp. I would like to use some of these in various studies and classes I teach. As one other person commented, this has inspired me to do some as well.

  34. Hi Mark,

    I live in HK and I have been sending your website’s URL often to all my friends, coworkers, and brothers in sisters in church. Although I attend an English service in a Chinese church, most people in my social network have Chinese as their first language. Your graphics have really made things very clear for us to understand, and I am so happy that there are some available in Chinese. Please keep up the great work!!

  35. Mark, these are excellent graphics that are so helpful to visualise. I would love to use them for my students too. I teach Christian Studies in Sydney, Australia at an Anglican school.

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