The visionary statue of Daniel

The visionary statue of Daniel chapter 2.

Jesus’ identity in John’s gospel

An overview of John’s gospel, showing how the 7 witnesses, 7 signs, and 7 ‘I am’ statements work together to show the true identity of Jesus, i.e. that he is ’the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name’ (20:31).

Good Friday timeline (Luke)

The basic timeline of the events of Good Friday according to Luke’s gospel, from Jesus’s trials to his crucifixion, death and burial. Please note: apart from the specified times, 6am, 9am, 12noon and 3pm, the timings for other events are indicative only.

The Reliability of the New Testament (Hungarian version)

Hungarian version of The Reliability of the New Testament graphic.

Ezt a infografikát a Fordított Királyság Alapítvány fordította. > | Kérjük, engedély nélkül ne publikálja, de nyugodtan készítsen másolatot személyes használatra. | A statisztikai adatok ebből a kiadványból származnak: Clay Jones: The Bibliographical Test Updated, Christian Research Journal, 35. évfolyam, 3. szám (2012)

Resurrecting the Gospel (Acts)


Jesus’ resurrection lies at the heart of the apostles’ preaching throughout the book of Acts.

Although all the themes in the graphic above are integral to the proclamation of the “good news”, the message of the risen Jesus is the single theme that appears in every recorded gospel explanation in the book and is clearly is the motivation that drives them to boldly proclaim Jesus “from Jerusalem … to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

In fact, Paul was renown for simply “preaching Jesus and the resurrection” (17:18) and was ultimately arrested and put on trial because of his belief in the risen Lord Jesus (23:6; 24:21).